Bu-lat-lat (boo-lat-lat) verb: to search, probe, investigate, inquire; to unearth facts

Volume 3,  Number 39               November 2 - 8, 2003            Quezon City, Philippines

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There are no acacia trees to shield this woman from the hot sun, only her deformed umbrella, as she offers her prayer for her child, buried in the apartment-type graves, children’s section of the North Cemetery in Manila. According to city officials, for lack of space soon there would be vertical graves to accommodate the dead’s increasing need. In contrast, the wealthier dead need not be piled up one over another as those in these apartment-type graves are, for they rest in mausoleums inside exclusive memorial parks where their families and friends enjoy full shelter, serenity and security. Death the great equalizer? In the Philippines, that popular adage simply doesn’t hold.      

   Photo by Rowena Carranza/BULATLAT.COM

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