Bu-lat-lat (boo-lat-lat) verb: to search, probe, investigate, inquire; to unearth facts

Vol. IV,    No. 40      November 7 - 13, 2004      Quezon City, Philippines











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Letters from France
The Party is over - a Fairy Tale

By Robert Thompson


Nov 3, 2004, 12:44

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You have now had all the excitement of your greatest election battle for decades, and, after all the elation and intoxication of such an event, the inevitable hang-over is upon you.   You now have to ask yourselves what has happened, and what is likely to happen following the result. 

Your President decided, after rejecting the sympathy offered by the world following the events of 11th September 2001, to declare his independence of humanity by attacking those who appeared to be different from him. 

His wealthy family's links with families from Saudi Arabia, such as the bin Ladens, led George junior to blame someone else for the attacks against the USA, and not in any way to draw the obvious conclusion that it was one of their offspring who had organised them. 

The easy option was to blame his father's former friend, Saddam Hussein, with whom there had been a disagreement relating to the latter's ill-conceived invasion of the distinctly undemocratic Emirate of Kuwait.   Saddam had been the golden boy of the Administration of the USA when he was fighting pointlessly against the Ayatollahs in Iran with technical and other help through young George's buddy Donald, but the misunderstanding over Kuwait was a severe embarrassment to George senior, and so Saddam had to go. 

Furthermore, Saddam had lots of oil, which is still being wasted wildly across the USA to the financial benefit of his friends, and it would be useful to control it, so George junior sends the troops into Iraq, without first making sure that Oussama bin Laden (a member of the family so friendly with his own within the close brotherhood of the Carlyle Group) was first stopped from organising further murders. 

We must not forget that actually arresting Oussama might have caused trouble within the families so closely linked together, so it was easier just to say what a "bad guy" he was without doing anything about him.   In any case, just when young George looked in danger of being kicked out, Oussama came to the rescue (very precisely on cue) to remind you all that he was still a threat to your peace and quiet.   What he failed to say directly was "please vote for George" who had done nothing to prevent him from killing the citizens, and damaging the interests, of the USA.   That would have been too obvious. 

Nothing will change, and - above all - nothing will be done to make acts of terrorism more difficult to perpetrate.   Fear and hatred will continue to be encouraged against anyone who cares for humanity, but it will be aimed particularly at any group which can be made into a scape-goat.   In this George junior follows in the footsteps of his master, the late unlamented Adolf Hitler, who blamed the Jews.   However, George junior cannot blame them because it is no longer "politically correct", so he blames the Arabs, without distinction between those who are Muslim and those who are Christian, because so many of them are being oppressed by his Zionist friends. 

To cover his tracks, George junior pretends to have been "born again" as a Texan, and asks you all to forget his Yankee Dude origins, and to believe that "war is peace" and that "hatred is love", as so chillingly evoked by Eric Arthur Blair (when writing under the pen-name of George Orwell).   The same oxymoron is exemplified by the oddly-named Patriot Act, aimed at preventing any honest citizen from showing his or her true patriotism. 

Sleep well, children, after voting for such a being who has promised to protect you from the monsters arising from his actions and his imagination, but do not expect to be defended against the real enemy which now controls your economy and your lives.


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