Day: October 29, 2005

Or how rural women are trading sex for rice due to hunger The Philippines observed World Food Day this year amid an atmosphere of increasing hunger. Amid worsening hunger, a number of women in the rural areas – where food crops are grown – have been turning to what is called palit-bigas prostitution. BY ALEXANDER…

Asia Pacific farmers, advocates meet in Negros conference Stories of hunger, oppression, government neglect, landlessness, greediness of agro-chemical transnational corporations, to democratic protest movements and armed struggle for genuine land reform and social change in Asia-Pacific are narrated by farmers and advocates of agrarian reform in the region during a recent conference in Negros Occidental.…

First of two parts For generations, many farming villages in the Cordillera mountain region, northern Philippines were self-sufficient in food. But Marcos’ “Green Revolution” and, in recent years, trade liberalization have erased all that. Today, the production of major vegetable crops has fallen in the process uprooting tens of thousands of indigenous peasants. BY FERNANDO…