Even with the memory of the Reverend Cecilio Lucero’s death still fresh in the minds of the people of Northern Samar, the military continues to implement the counter-insurgency program in the province, targeting civilians.
Even with the memory of the Reverend Cecilio Lucero’s death still fresh in the minds of the people of Northern Samar, the military continues to implement the counter-insurgency program in the province, targeting civilians.
Looking at the more credible indicators of secured employment, incomes, percentage of the population receiving adequate social services, poverty incidence, the number of hungry population, etc. shows that the global crisis is not yet over. By JENNY GUSTE Ibon Features Posted by (Bulatlat.com) Ibon Features — Amid news that capitalist countries are on the road…
By Aldwin Quitasol Northern Dispatch BAGUIO CITY ? The Serve the People Brigade-Cordillera Disaster Response (STPB-CDR) Network has already provided relief services to at least 669 families and more than 4,000 individuals affected by Typhoon “Pepeng” in the city of Baguio and some towns of Benguet. The STPB-CDR is a relief and assistance network initiated…
By IBON FOUNDATION Posted by (Bulatlat.com) Instead of appeals for more foreign aid to rehabilitate the country from the effects of disasters, research group Ibon urges government to cancel debt payments and free up resources for relief and rehabilitation. According to research head Sonny Africa, “Environmental shifts mean that extreme weather events will become more…
By LEILANIE ADRIANO Northern Dispatch LAOAG CITY, Ilocos Norte? Pinakbet vegetables here, 487 kms. north of Manila, have run out of supply after typhoon Pepeng damaged multi-million pesos worth of high-value commercial crops. The favorite vegetable ingredients of the local pinakbet dish are now being sourced out from Metro Manila and Davao. With this, prices…
The Cordillera region incurred most of the damages in Northern Luzon with 309 dead and P1.398 billion of damaged infrastructures and agriculture caused by typhoon Pepeng.
By MATT RENNER truthout/Report International Posted by (Bulatlat.com) President Obama promised to usher in a new era of government transparency when he was sworn into office nine months ago. On January 21, Obama signed an executive order instructing all federal agencies and departments to “adopt a presumption in favor” of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)…
Reprinted from Radio Havana Cuba International Posted by (Bulatlat.com) Could you give us your perspective on where we stand in the case of the Cuban Five? THOMAS GOLDSTEIN (expert on Supreme Court litigation): The direct appeals in the case of the Cuban Five have concluded with the severe disappointment of the U.S. Supreme Court not…
By CAROL PAGADUAN-ARAULLO Streetwise / Business World Posted by (Bulatlat.com) Who was it who said that the best way to ensure that nothing gets done is to create a committee? The Arroyo government’s announcement of the formation of the Special National Public-Private Sector Reconstruction Commission tasked “to study the causes, costs and actions needed to…
Innocent Play