Mega-Dam Project in Tarlac Remains a Threat to Aetas

Since last year, the government has been rushing to start the construction of the dam. Construction materials and equipment for the dam are already at the site, according to Association of Tribal Aberlin. But the Aetas have vigorously opposed the project.

Hopes for Genuine Agrarian Reform

Joining the first national Lakbayan, Castillo and the other Aeta delegates said they are seeking respect of their rights to ancestral lands. They are calling on the government to preserve the bio-diversity of the mountains in Tarlac and Zambales, stop the Balog-balog project and support a communal system of irrigation, instead of building a mega-dam.

Along with Katribu partylist, they are appealing to the government to implement projects that will rehabilitate the mountains and rivers destroyed by years of logging, mining, infrastructure development and eco-tourism. They also want the government to stop the militarization in their communities and respect their human rights. (

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2 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Part of the planning for infrastructure such as a dam or megadams, should be a comprehensive and honest study of the over-all effects of the project. One of the issues should be the expected increase in production, as against the negative factors whixh may result from the project, if foreseeable and unforseeable events occur. From the tragic occurrences of late, there was no such study undertaken.

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