Day: June 5, 2010

By PROF. JOSE MARIA SISON International League of Peoples’ Struggle International Posted by In the strongest terms, we the International League of Peoples’ Struggle condemn as a crime against humanity the barbaric attack by the Israeli navy on the Freedom Flotilla of six boats from several countries, with more than 700 unarmed people on…

They only learned about what happened to their kin Joselito when they chanced upon his co-worker in a social networking site. After being given the runaround by the Department of Foreign Affairs, they were finally informed that the Philippine embassy in Saudi Arabia is handling the case. That is the last information the government has given them

The argument that outsiders should not be allowed to criticize countries is being used more and more to thwart human rights campaigns By JOHANN HARI Posted by Should you shut up about human rights abuses because they are happening far away, to people you don’t know, who have a different culture or color…

By TOM ENGELHARDT Posted by History, or the future (however you want to look at it), has a funny way of rearing up and biting leaders who think they know what they’re doing. Take Barack Obama. Only weeks before the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, he made a “pragmatic”…