By BENJIE OLIVEROS Learning from the impact of typhoon Ondoy, which hit the country hard two years ago, President Benigno Aquino III, upon assuming the presidency, sacked the chief of Pagasa, the country’s weather bureau, and declared a “zero casualty policy” in the government’s response to natural calamities. When relatively mild storms hit the…
Day: September 30, 2011
Luis V. Teodoro | Cowards and SOBs
By LUIS V. TEODORO Vantage Point | BusinessWorld THE “American official” President Benigno Aquino III quoted in his speech at the University of Fordham in New York as complaining that “the problem with the Philippines is that it has 40 million cowards and one SOB (son of a bitch) ” was most probably the outspoken…
Satur C. Ocampo | Wrong post-martial law decisions still hound us
By Satur C. Ocampo At Ground Level | The Philippine Star Last Wednesday in New York, President Aquino made two statements, both related to the martial law dictatorship that Ferdinand Marcos imposed on our nation 39 years ago that very day and ended with his ouster in February 1986. One was this remark during an…
Carol Pagaduan-Araullo | Protests are good
By Carol Pagaduan-Araullo Streetwise | BusinessWorld The protracted global economic depression is sending the economies of even advanced capitalist countries such as the United States and members of the European Union on a tailspin. Despite fits of financial convulsions due to the bursting of economic bubbles and now EU countries threatening to default on their…