The unprecedented hike was revealed as mostly due to Meralco’s contract with Thermo Mobile, which had bid 25 times higher than the usual rate, or the average recorded by WESM (P62 from P6 to 8 per kilowatt-hour). It was also disclosed that Meralco actually dictates and has full control over the pricing decisions of Thermo Mobile.
Day: January 21, 2014
Allotting millions for worms? | Plunder case filed vs Aquino, Cabinet officials
“The projects that the DAR entered into with the NGOs … are not in any way related to energy-development. Worst, those projects were never implemented. Not a single centavo was spent for the said projects and not a single farmer received any benefit therefrom.”
Luisita farmers storm Cojuangco-Aquino offices
MANILA – For frustrating land distribution in Hacienda Luisita, farmworker-beneficiaries trooped to the office of Jose Cojuangco & Sons in Makati City, January 20. Travelling all the way from Tarlac, more than a hundred members of Alyansa ng mga Manggagawang Bukid sa Asyenda Luisita (Ambala) held a picket in front of the building, where Cojuangco-Aquino-owned…
‘Meralco blackmailing consumers with threats of ‘rotational blackouts’
#StrikeTheHike and Bayan Metro Manila warned the Aquino administration that once the power rate is implemented, it might cause the social volcano to erupt.
Gabriela pushes for urgent, comprehensive gov’t response to exploitation of children
“This horrendous cybersex trade of our vulnerable kids has been going on for the longest time and authorities waitrf for an international outrage to boil over before now barking commands to crush the perpetrators.” – Gabriela Women’s Party