At Mendiola Bridge, the same calls were heard: to defend the ancestral lands, pullout soldiers and paramilitary groups in the communities and give justice to slain victims. Only louder this time, and interspersed with “Death to US Imperialism!”
Day: October 21, 2016
Pushing forward: Why the fight for self-determination of national minorities is far from over
Bulatlat Special Report:
“This Lakbayan demonstrates the unity of national minorities in asserting our right to self-determination,” Malayao said. “ We demand the right to self governance, the freedom to practice our way of life, and the full control of our resources.”
Madness? | Why US Aid is not good for you or PH
Bulatlat SPECIAL REPORT: The US would rather not stop with its aid program here. It is the key with which they’ve been maintaining their domination of the Philippine economy and military even after the Philippines’ 1946 nominal independence.
The national minorities: Victims of oppression, discrimination and violence
“We see no difference between the paramilitary groups and the Manila police who showed us the same brutality.”