National Union of Peoples’ Lawyer spokesperson Josalee Deinla told Bulatlat that the two tech companies namely IP Converge and Suniway Group of Companies are expected to submit their respective answers to the filed complaint in 15 days.
Day: April 11, 2019
Hocus pocus? Groups assail gov’t findings on ‘low’ poverty rate
“Setting a high standard indicates the government having a high level of ambition for poverty eradication. Conversely, setting a low standard indicates low targets for dealing with the poverty situation.”
This Week on People’s History: Earth Day
This week, Bulatlat looks into the importance and relevance of commemorating World Earth Day.
This Week on People’s History: World Health Day
This week, Bulatlat looks into the commemoration of the World Health Day and what it actually means to the Filipino people.
Indigenous peoples demand justice for Lumad chieftain Datu Kaylo
“He died due to the intensified militarization, bombing and strafing of the indigenous communities.”
What the Rice Tariffication Law violates
The Philippines has now embarked on import liberalization of its staple – a dangerous path not just for the country’s food security, but more importantly, for that elusive economic development.