Defend-Southern Tagalog said the incidents, dubbed as Bloody Sunday, took place a day after Duterte ordered his troops again to “finish off and kill all communist rebels.”
Day: March 7, 2021
Tokhang: An Improvised Villanelle
When your voice no longer bears the weight
of what you must say, then language must have gone away,
or forcibly buried underground,
silenced the fascist way.
General Luna Street
A city’s peace / once more cracked, broken / by a heinous deed / against a barrister of a people’s rights.
Mimi Doringo and how the struggle for urban poor rights answered her searching questions
Urban poor leader Mimi Doringo said studying their rights and how to assert them made her more confident in working for their welfare.
Bloody Sunday | 5 activists dead, mass arrests in Southern Tagalog
Police were serving search warrants in Cavite, Rizal, Batangas and Laguna at 4 a.m.
Home to roost
US intervention throughout the globe over the past 120 years in the defense and furtherance of its economic, political, and military interests has not only imbued most Americans with the arrogant presumption that they know best what’s good for everyone else on earth. It has also legitimized the use of force as the main instrument of State policy
Rights violations in wars vs insurgency, illegal drugs
Criticized for its muddled, bumbling response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Duterte government has been trying to rev up its two priority wars – against insurgency and against illegal drugs – in the remaining 14 months of its term.