In 2019, the country ranked 134th out of 180 countries, and fell two places in 2020 at 136th. This year, the Philippines’ ranked 138th and was classified by the RSF as one of the world’s deadliest countries for journalists and bloggers.
Day: April 20, 2021
#DuterteResign call continues to grow online
The petition started with only 500 signatures of people from different sectors of the society.
Lawyers’ groups: Community pantries not prohibited
“Not being required, and in fact prohibited by law, the organizers should not be forced, and are within their right, to refuse to sign any disclosure forms. Lest some of the red-faced government officials forget, the 1987 Constitution recognizes the right of all citizens to participate in governmental and societal concerns, and mandates that these rights shall not be abridged.”
Prosecutor junks murder charges against 2 activists in Bicol
The prosecutor noted that the statements of the witnesses, co-witnesses and the circumstances leading to the identification of Jenelyn Nagrampa-Caballero and Pastor Dan San Andres “are tainted with doubt and irregularity.”
Slain Negros community organizer was resourceful, generous
Pason’s family hailed from the municipality of Toboso. Their family later moved to Silay City, where he took on all jobs possible to make ends meet. As a dedicated uncle, he sent his nieces to school.
Cops visit community pantries, question organizers
In a statement, urban poor group Kadamay said police presence is “definitely not needed” in the community pantries, adding that their atrocious record will scare away people who badly need food.