For working people, the price of everything is going up. For everyone, the global temperature keeps rising. But instead of supporting its workers, communities and the planet, Amazon is squeezing every last drop it can. That’s why, today, they are coming together across 35 countries to Make Amazon Pay.
Tags: Amazon
Statement | We unite in the struggle for life
The death of the Amazon and other Brazilian unique biomes, such as Cerrando and Pantanal, will not only impact its frontline communities; in the accelerating collapse of our climate, the extinction of the rainforest will endanger ecosystems everywhere. In this way, the fate of Brazil’s Indigenous peoples is entwined with the fate of our world
Under Bolsonaro, attacks on Amazonians have skyrocketed
A new report finds that violence against Indigenous people, quilombolas and peasants is on the rise as Bolsonaro-enabled capitalists continue to eat away at the Amazon.
Dear Mr. Bezos, the days of Amazon’s impunity are over
“We stand ready to act in our respective legislatures to support the movement that is growing around the world to make Amazon pay.”
Make Amazon pay
The growth of CEO Jeff Bezos’s astronomical wealth — up $100 billion since March, now surpassing that of any other human in history — is directly proportional to Amazon’s human and environmental costs: his corporation mistreats its workers, wrecks the climate, and undermines the public institutions underpinning our democracies along the way along the way.