MANILA – As campaign season for the upcoming elections near, workers and labor advocates celebrated the 83rd birthday of Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran, labor leader and former representative of Anakpawis and Bayan Muna, with calls to candidates to emulate his shining example. In a solemn ceremony held at Plaza Miranda where the city government of…
Tags: Crispin Beltran
Anakpawis Cordillera remembers hero of the working class
“Ka Bel left a legacy for the activists of today especially the new ones to serve as a shining example to emulate as they continue the struggle.”
‘Lawmakers, people like me should follow Ka Bel’s example’ – Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim
‘Lawmakers, people like me should follow Ka Bel’s example’ – Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim (Photo by Marya Salamat /
With calls vs. hunger, poverty, workers celebrate Ka Bel’s 79th birthday
Workers celebrate Ka Bel’s 79th birthday(Photo by Sheilette Untalan)
Working people remember Ka Bel and his struggle for a P125 legislated wage hike
Given the growing number of lawmakers supporting the legislation of a substantial wage hike, workers remembering Ka Bel today are hoping that finally, the bill which he first authored and filed may be enacted at last.
Sarah Raymundo | Ideological lessons on the struggle over wages
For Ka Bel, for all that he was and for all that we can be because of him By SARAH RAYMUNDO The latest P22 increase in workers’ Cost of Living Allowance in the National Capital Region (NCR) is yet another attack on labor. After a two-year pause on wage hikes, allegedly due to the…
KMU to Incoming Aquino Gov’t: Heed Ka Bel’s Demands
MANILA- In marking the second death anniversary of working-class hero Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran, labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno called on the incoming Aquino administration to address Ka Bel’s demand for wage hike and protecting labor rights. “Ka Bel died without seeing the realization of the goals that he fought hard for. He died campaigning…
Jane Balleta: Compassionate Epileptic Is Source of Her Family’s Strength, Pride
Jane was born with a positive point of view. “Jane is the type of person who would always smile even if she has problems,” her mother said. “Whenever I have a problem, she would always say, ‘You can handle it, Ma.’ That is why despite what they are going through she is always smiling and her morale is high. It’s as if we the relatives are the ones in jail.”
News in Pictures: Today Is Ka Bel’s 77th Birthday
Audio: Crispin Beltran’s Life and Legacy Honored at Plaza Miranda
Ka Bel’s Life and Legacy Honored
On His 1st Death Anniversary, ‘Ka Bel’ Honored as ‘Man of the Century’
Audio: Ka Bel as ‘Man of the Century’