A hundred doctors and medical professors on mass leave in UP-PGH (University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital), supported by UP and PGH employees, defied last Monday a memo issued by the ‘de-facto’ PGH director Dr. Enrique Domingo and a warning raised by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairman Francisco T. Duque III against their joining “disruptive” protest actions and taking part in mass leaves.
Tags: CSC
Philippine Bureaucracy: Bloated and Corrupted
Most bureaucrats see their positions as both a power and a privilege shielded by immunities instead of as a public service that involves accountability. BY THE CENTER FOR PEOPLE EMPOWERMENT AND GOVERNANCE Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VII, No. 1, February 3-9,2008 Ed San Pedro (not his real name) had served five presidents, from Ferdinand E.…