In media forum to mark anniversary of Ampatuan Massacre, journalists, media experts and human-rights advocates define and dissect impunity, “the dark side of accountability,” as one of them put it.
Tags: culture of impunity
Statement on the Death of Journalist Desiderio ‘Jessie’ Camangyan
It’s a shame for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo that she will exit the presidency with yet another killing of a journalist in Mindanao, that of Mati City broadcaster Desiderio ‘Jessie’ Camangyan. Her legacy, indeed, is the legacy of impunity. Camangyan’s death shows how the culture of impunity, which Arroyo thrived on to cling to power, has been…
Bulatlat Live Webcast: Bulatlatín, a Forum on the Role of Journalists to End the Culture of Impunity in the Philippines
Journalism and the Culture of Impunity
NUJP denounces harassment of 2 provincial journalists
Does snapping at journalists reflect culture of impunity? BY ACE ALEGRE Bulatlat Vol. VIII, No. 15, May 18-24, 2008 BAGUIO CITY (246 kms from Manila) – Does snapping at journalists reflect the culture of impunity, which is the main reason for the unabated killing of not just journalists but also activists? A media organization says…