Tags: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Newly released US government documents, detailing how Bush administration officials punched legalistic holes in the Geneva Conventions’ protections of war captives, stand in stark contrast to the outrage some of the same officials expressed in the first week of the Iraq war when Iraqi TV interviewed several captured American soldiers. BY JASON LEOPOLD Truthout INTERNATIONAL…

BY HAIDER RIZVI OneWorld.net NEW YORK – A leading international human rights group is calling for the Bush administration to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged involvement of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other senior Pentagon officials in the torture of a prisoner at Guanatanamo Bay some three years ago. Rumsfeld could be…

By Nadia Martinez In These Times Latin America challenges the Washington Consensus. The presidential palaces of Latin America are famous for their imposing Spanish colonial grandeur. Not long ago these marble edifices on grand plazas were inhabited mostly by military strongmen. That these leaders were elites of European descent went virtually without question. Today, Chile’s…