Tags: Greenpeace

On February 17, a Greenpeace decontamination unit removed genetically-engineered Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) eggplants from a field trial site in Paciano village in Bay, Laguna, and sealed the experimental food crop in hazmat (hazardous materials) containers to prevent further contamination to neighboring fields and the environment. (Photo by Gregorio B. Dantes Jr. / bulatlat.com)

Greenpeace today submitted letters of demand to presidential candidates to push them for their commitments to protect the country’s water sources. Greenpeace bikers delivered the letters, along with images of drought affected areas in the country, in a tour of the headquarters of the nine presidentiables. “The country’s experience with the current drought as well…

“We are here to expose the role of coal in climate change, the greatest threat to life and biodiversity on the planet. We are here to highlight the urgent need for adoption of strong mitigation and adaptation measures to tackle the worst impacts of climate change,” said Mike Fincken, skipper of the Rainbow Warrior. BY…

Greenpeace calls on gov’t to heed UN warnings Greenpeace, an international environmental organization, has called on the Philippine government to heed the warnings of the world’s leading agricultural scientists that industrial agricultural practices and genetically-modified (GMO) crops will not solve the current food crisis. POSTED BY BULATLAT Vol. VIII, No. 11, April 20-26, 2008 Greenpeace,…