The elections are over. Let’s move forward.
Tags: national elections 2022
‘Elections in PH not free and fair’ – int’l observers mission
The group released its interim report on May 19 noting that this year’s elections were “marred by a higher level of failure of the electronic voting system than ever before, along with rampant vote-buying, disturbing levels of state and military orchestrated red-tagging of candidates and parties including numerous incidents of deadly violence.”
Martial law victims ask High Court to disqualify Marcos Jr.
“We assert that a convict, liar, and unrepentant son of an ousted dictator like Marcos Jr. should have never been allowed to run for public office, let alone the highest position in the land. The Supreme Court must uphold truth, justice, and democracy, and heed our calls to disqualify Marcos Jr. now.”
High court asked to reverse Comelec ruling on Marcos Jr.
“We thus ask the High Court to reverse and set aside the questionable Comelec ruling and to cancel and declare void from the start the certificate of candidacy of Marcos Jr. and in the process, declare him to have never been a candidate in the 2022 national elections.”
How did the Dutertes, Marcoses, Arroyo, and Estradas fare in the 2022 elections?
The Marcoses’ return realized by Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s apparent presidential win based on unofficial count is not the only political family dynasty comeback the Philippines witnessed in the 2022 elections. Political dynasties that have been involved in many irregularities have successfully reclaimed seats in the local and national offices.
Teachers’ group rejects Sara Duterte as education secretary
“Sara Duterte has no recognition of these problems, which also worsened under her father’s rule, and has no track record in addressing these. How then can she resolve these crises?”
A day of waiting in the voting precincts, Filipinos raise doubts on election results
As technical anomalies surfaced during the national elections, Filipino voters bore the brunt of the Commission on Election’s inefficiencies.
Teachers group demands overtime pay for election board members
The group said many teachers who served as members of the electoral board had to stay in the precincts until the next day, May 10, which is more than 24 hours since they began their duty, due to severe delays in resolving issues regarding the vote counting machines.
In Isabela, youth groups protest election fraud
In Ilagan, Isabela, groups led by Kontra Daya- Cagayan Valley mount a protest in front of the Provincial Capitol to deplore the massive election fraud and irregularities in the national elections.
Massive red-tagging of opposition reported on election day
Anti-election fraud group Kontra Daya reported systematic red-tagging against the opposition and progressive candidates on election day, May 9.
Voters face anomalies, call on Comelec to extend voting hours
“We are demanding Comelec to provide an explanation as to why thousands of VCMs passed final testing and sealing—and suddenly all broke down today.”