“We are here today to urge and call upon President Marcos Jr.’s administration and the law enforcement agency to act upon this crucial piece of information and to immediately arrest the mastermind on Ortega’s murder. It’s time to say enough is enough.”
Tags: Reporters Without Borders
PH gov’t urged to stop ‘intimidatory tactics against independent media’
The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has called on the Philippine government to restore access to two alternative news sites that were earlier blocked for supposed terror links, saying this is intimidation and censorship.
Int’l media watchdog ‘mirrors’ Philippine alternative news amid cyber-attacks
International media watchdog Reporters Without Borders has included in their website mirroring campaign two Philippine alternative news websites, Bulatlat and Kodao Productions, following the intense cyber-attacks since December.
What World Day against Cyber Censorship means to Filipino journalists
By targeting the Philippine alternative press, however, those behind the attack inadvertently highlighted its role in shaping public opinion.
Espina-Varona wins international award for journalists
By RAYMUND VILLANUEVA Kodao Productions A Filipino won one of the most prestigious global awards for journalists for her resistance to “financial, political, economic or religious pressures or because of the values and rules that enable them to resist” in reporting on issues that are sensitive in the Philippines. Cited for her many reports on…
Proving RSF right
Four media-related events occurred within days of each other last week. One was the release by the press freedom watch group Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF — Reporters Without Borders) of a report on the troubled state of press freedom in many countries including the Philippines. RSF ranked the Philippines a low 133rd out of 180…
Luis V. Teodoro | Tattered Democracy
By LUIS V. TEODORO Vantage Point | BusinessWorld Posted by Bulatlat.com The Philippine ranking fell from 122nd in 2009 to 156th in the Paris-based Reporters Sans Frontieres’ (RSF — Reporters Without Borders) 2010 Press Freedom Index released on October 20. The 2010 index covers the period Sept. 1, 2009 to Sept. 1, 2010. The Philippine…
End Killings of Journalists, Noynoy Urged
“The business of ensuring justice for all victims weighs just as heavy on Aquino as head of state as it should on all those whose sworn duty it is to protect and ensure the life and welfare of all citizens but which, sadly, they still have to do so,” the NUJP said.
‘Order of Battle’ Suggests Murder of Journalists Part of Official Policy — NUJP
The National Union of Journalists in the Philippines, the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility, and the Reporters Without Borders condemned what they called as an “abomination,” the military’s Order of Battle, the latest version of which included the NUJP and journalist Carlos Conde, a correspondent for the New York Times, International Herald Tribune, and GlobalPost.com.