Tags: Salvador Allende

Woke up, and it’s September

What do we do with this history? What must we do with our very own politicians – – Duterte and a consolidated Philippine senate and congress who have only looted us, shown us obscene disrespect, and barbarism? Their actions are akin to US-backed local operatives deployed to exact the most severe violence among the people– mass murder, corruption, hunger, and repression.

Chile today: Allende’s anti-neoliberal autumn

One of the supreme ironies in the history of protest movements is the fact that Chile, a US laboratory for covert action and direct military aggression is also the place in which the slogan “¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!” (The people united will never be defeated) originates. It is chanted by peoples in protests and meetings which honor revolutionary international solidarity.

Imagine a world without US intervention, violence, manipulation, and bullying. What’s happening in the Middle East is sending across the planet precisely the message that a world other than this is what people want, thereby agitating US policymakers, who have never imagined such a world possible. By LUIS V. TEODORO / bulatlat.com