The area where the suspected rebels reportedly put up a checkpoint is barely populated.
Tags: war
Murder Is Not an Anomaly in War
By Chris Hedges Published March 19, 2012 The war in Afghanistan—where the enemy is elusive and rarely seen, where the cultural and linguistic disconnect makes every trip outside the wire a visit to hostile territory, where it is clear that you are losing despite the vast industrial killing machine at your disposal—feeds the culture…
Exposing and Resisting Empire and War Media in the Age of Obama
By Paul Street Z Net International Posted by We are today* one week and two days out from the forty-second anniversary of the execution of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a killing that took place exactly one year – almost down to the hour – after his famous “Break the Silence” speech against the…
Iraq: Seven Years of Occupation
By RAED JARRAR Truthout Posted by An Iraqi man waits in line outside a government headquarters building for food supplies from a humanitarian-aid delivery in northern Iraq. On April 9, 2003, exactly seven years ago, Baghdad fell under the US-led occupation. Baghdad did not fall in 21 days, though; it fell after 13 years…
How Wars Are Made
by MARK WEISBROT International Posted by In a visit to Qatar and Saudi Arabia this week, Hillary Clinton said that Iran “is moving toward a military dictatorship,” and continued the administration’s campaign for tougher sanctions against that country. What could America’s top diplomat hope to accomplish with this kind of inflammatory rhetoric? It…
Bring Them Home, Mr. President
By EUGENE ROBINSON Truthout International Posted by WASHINGTON – The most dreadful burden of the presidency – the power to send men and women to die for their country – seems to weigh heavily on Barack Obama these days. He went to Dover Air Force Base to salute the coffins of fallen troops. He…
Tortured Memories and the Culture of War
By HENRY A. GIROUX Truthout International Posted by This article is drawn from Henry A. Giroux’s forthcoming book, “Hearts of Darkness: Torturing Children in the War on Terror” (Paradigm Publishers, 2010). For the last decade, we have lived through a historical period in which the United States relinquished its tenuous claim to democracy. The…
Torture, War and the Imperial Project: The Fatal Thread
You cannot disentangle the torture program from the war of aggression in Iraq – nor from the illegal wiretapping program, the corrupt war profiteering, and all the other degradations of liberty and law that have been so accelerated in the past eight years. They are all of a piece, part and parcel of a plan…
US ‘War on Terror,’ Intervention in Philippines to Intensify amid Global Economic Crisis – Analysts
Analysts of global economic developments deemed that the US-led ‘war on terror’ will intensify and escalate as a result of the US financial and economic crisis.
The Global Economic War
From Nigeria to the Philippines, Mexico to India, insurgents are finding new ways to mobilise rage. It is in Afghanistan that the tactical impact will be most sharply felt. BY PAUL ROGERS Open Democracy ALTERNATIVE READER Posted by Vol. VIII, No. 29, August 24-30, 2008 From Nigeria to the Philippines, Mexico to India, insurgents…
War Crimes Paradox
BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Counterpunch Posted By ( ALTERNATIVE READER Vol. VIII, No. 24, July 20-26, 2008 National Public Radio has been spending much news time on Darfur in Western Sudan where a great deal of human suffering and death are occurring. The military conflict has been brought on in part by climate change, according to…