Bu-lat-lat (boo-lat-lat) verb: to search, probe, investigate, inquire; to unearth facts

Issue No. 39                       November 11 - 17,  2001                  Quezon City, Philippines

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Democratic Space
No to WTO, No to Imperialist Plunder and Oppression!



The International League of Peoples’ Struggle extends its warmest and most militant greetings of solidarity to BAYAN and affiliated mass organizations on the occasion of the mass protest actions that you are carrying out against imperialist globalization to coincide with the 4th ministerial meeting of the WTO in Doha, Qatar on November 9-13.  We are one with you in raising the slogan and calling on the peoples of the world, “Intensify the resistance against imperialist plunder! Junk WTO!”

Once again the undemocratic WTO dominated by the big powers will hold its meeting behind closed doors to determine the course of world trade.  On the agenda of the dominant governments are the extension of liberalization on a broader range of products and services.  They are imposing such one-sided agreements as the Agreement on Agriculture (AOA), the General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS) and the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). These cover such issues as the privatisation of health, education and water, forcing GMO foods and seeds on member countries and patents on life forms.

The aim of the WTO is simple, to pry open the economies especially of the underdeveloped countries for plunder by the giant monopolies.  While the imperialist countries protect their own industries and agriculture through subsidies and credit, they dictate on others to remove so-called barriers to “free trade” such as tarrifs and foreign exchange controls.

Five years under the WTO regime has spelled havoc on the economies of the oppressed countries of the third world, wiping out local industries, ruining their agriculture, destroying food security, displacing millions of peasants and agricultural workers and intensifying general misery among the toiling masses of workers and peasants.

Today, we have a world of widespread poverty, wasteful consumption by a few and ever widening gap between the rich and the poor.  We face a world where nearly three billion people live on less than two dollars a day.  The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the poorest 48 nations or a quarter of the world's countries is less than the wealth of the world's three richest people combined.  Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. 20% of the population in the developed nations consume 86% of the world's goods. More than 800 million people in the backward countries are chronically undernourished. Seven million children die each year as a result of the debt crisis.

The imperialists led by the lone superpower, the US, have launched a new war on a lowly country Afghanistan.  It is one more exercise of big power bullying to impose the imperialists’ will and dominance on the world and to impress on others who is boss.  It is also one more way of creating hefty profits for their military-industrial bourgeoisie who are enriched by every war that the imperialists embark on.  Wars like these are occasions for the big powers to display their latest high-tech weapons of mass destruction to the ogling eyes of arms buyers. And yet, even if only one per cent of what is spent every year on weapons were spent on education, this would have been enough to put every child on this planet through school.

The WTO is nothing but the tool of the imperialists in intensifying their exploitation and oppression especially of the backward and poor countries.  The people of the world must unite and intensify their struggle against the WTO and other imperialist instruments of economic domination and control such as the IMF and WB, and against military alliances such as the NATO, US-Japan Security Agreement and so on which the imperialists use to force others to submission.

The rising opposition to imperialist globalization in many parts of the world including the home-grounds of the imperialists is a positive sign of the growing consciousness of the world’s peoples and working masses on the evils and bankruptcy of imperialism and the capitalist system.  The International League of Peoples’ Struggle, which is composed of 218 democratic and anti-imperialist mass organizations worldwide, is committed to support and actively work for the unity and the struggle of the world’s peoples and working masses against imperialism and all reaction.

Expose and oppose the imperialist-dominated WTO!

No to the US-led imperialist war against the people of Afghanistan!

Advance the struggle of the world’s peoples against imperialism and reaction!

Long live international solidarity!

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