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Vol. V,    No. 14      May 15- 21, 2005      Quezon City, Philippines











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Negros Media Slam Mike Arroyo
3 NPC officers resign in protest over Arroyo’s membership

Jose Miguel Arroyo, husband of the President, sent Negros journalists in uproar after he was inducted as honorary member of the Negros Press Club despite being a non-media person and making remarks that undermine press freedom.

BY Karl G. Ombion

Bacolod City – Negros journalists belonging to the Negros Media Council for Press Freedom (NMCPF) hit Jose Miguel Arroyo’s “divide-and-rule tactics” and “anti-media” position. Arroyo, husband of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, earlier told members of the Negros Press Club (NPC) that he is glad that there’s not much killing among Negros media because they are responsible and adhere to the rules and ethics of journalism.

He was the guest speaker when the Negros Press Club held its induction ceremony on May 4 in Bacolod.

Edgar Cadagat, NMCPF secretary-general, scored Arroyo in a press statement.

He said, “In an obvious move to flatter the local media, (Arroyo) implied that the Negros media were better than their national counterparts, and urged them to tell Manila-based journalists to be truthful in their reportage. Unfortunately, he used the flattery as a springboard to mount an attack against local mediamen’s colleagues – something which smacks of divide and rule tactic.”

In addition, Jaime Espina, NPC secretary and Today reporter, said “the implications of speech are wide ranging and chilling. It not only reinforces attacks against the media practitioners but promote a culture of competition, division, intrigues and violence.” Espina called Arroyo’s statement “grossly irresponsible.”

Ranie Azue, chairman of Liga Journalista, agreed with his colleagues saying, “Arroyo has only added insult to injury, especially in the current climate that media practitioners nationwide are under siege from the forces of anti-press freedom.”

Acerbic tirades

Cadagat said that Arroyo’s “acerbic tirades against national journalists were evidently triggered by what he said were untruthful reporting citing as examples his supposed stay in a $20,000 suite in Las Vegas and the alleged jueteng pay-offs he and immediate members of his family are getting from gambling lords nationwide.”

Meanwhile, three NPC officers – Arman Toga, vice president; Jaime Espina, secretary; and Henry Cestina, director – tendered irrevocable resignations May 9 in protest over what they called the “serious damage to the integrity and honor of the NPC by the unwarranted and undeserved induction of FG Mike Arroyo as a member of the organization” and “the refusal of NPC President Primo Esleyer to rectify this grievous error.”

In their resignation letter, the three said, “We cannot abide serving under a leadership that wantonly violates the NPC rules and tradition and refuses to publicly correct a mistake that has put the Club’s integrity and honor in question, both to its members, the Philippine media community and the general public, whom we, as journalists, serve.”

The three also said that “while we respect Arroyo’s right to free expression, as FG and husband of a President under whose watch the number of murdered journalists is reaching record numbers – 23 since her ascencion to power in 2001 – 13 last year, and five this year alone – the implication in his speech that our murdered colleagues deserved their fates was not only irresponsible, but reinforces the culture of impunity and violence that has led to this sorry state. How can we reward him with membership in the Club?” they asked.

Short-lived membership

Meanwhile, Arroyo formally tendered resignation last week, three days after his controversial induction.

“I regret that I had been misunderstood by some members of the organization but I would like to assure that it was never my intention to hurt the feelings of anyone,” Arroyo said. Bulatlat



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