This story
was taken from Bulatlat, the Philippines's alternative weekly
newsmagazine (,,
Vol. V, No. 43, December
4-10, 2005
Special Report
Poor Pay, Working Conditions
are Driving Health Professionals Abroad
A paper by Dr. Jaime Galvez-Tan,
former Vice-Chancellor
for Research of the
University of the Philippines-Manila and executive director of the National
Institutes of Health-Philippines,
entitled “The Brain Drain Phenomenon and Its Implications to Health” revealed
that since 1994, more than 100,000 nurses have left the country to work abroad.
And while the ideal nurse to patient ratio is 1:4, the ratio in government
hospitals has increased from 1:50 to 1:100.
Before the devolution of health services,
deserving health workers in the municipal health posts and district or
provincial hospitals were granted scholarships by the (Department of Health) DoH
for graduate studies in hospital administration, public health or other fields
to prepare them for higher positions. Devolution has drastically reduced the
number of public health care providers enjoying the scholarship because very few
local government units can afford the cost of staff development now.
The Local Government Code of
1991 provides for every local government unit to design and implement its own
organizational structure and staffing pattern. The chief executive of every
local government unit is responsible for human resource development in his unit,
taking into consideration its service requirements and financial capability and
subject to the minimum standards and guidelines prescribed by the Civil Service
Commission. The chief executive may employ emergency or casual employees or
laborers paid on a daily wage or piecework basis. The compensation of the local
officials and personnel is determined by the local legislative body.
Under this setting, the selection, promotion and
tenure of devolved health personnel are now under the local appointing powers.
But not all devolved health workers remained
receptive at the time.
To appease devolved workers, the Magna Carta for
Health Workers or Republic Act (RA) 7305 was passed in 1992. It mandates a host
of benefits, including hazard pay, laundry allowance, subsistence allowance,
holiday pay, and even remote allowance or medico-legal allowance, for government
doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists, barangay health workers, and sanitation
inspectors at the national and local levels.
The DoH instituted the Doctor to the Barrios
Program, which supplied temporary and contractual doctors to remote areas. The
program began deploying physicians to 271 municipalities lacking doctors in May
1993. But only 198 of these municipalities received doctors. Worse, only about a
third of the physicians deployed remained after their two-year duty due to the
potential of receiving better pay and benefits abroad.
To supplement the local health force, the
Barangay Health Workers’ Benefit and Incentives Act of 1995 provided for
training volunteer workers as well as minimal incentives to convince them to
help run barangay health stations. These volunteers assist in clerical tasks and
minor health procedures, such as weighing and measuring patients. However,
these workers do not effectively cater to the increasing health needs of the
growing population.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB)
reported in January this year that over 50 percent of IRA is used for personnel
services. Local revenue collection accounts for less than 10 percent of total
expenditures. On the other hand, even if local
government regulations allow the allotment of 45 percent of the IRA for hiring
regular workers, the contractualization
of non-technical health
workforce has been the
In government hospitals, the
security and janitorial services have been mostly contractualized, along with
nurses and nursing aides. Even if health workers in the LGUs have security of
tenure, this may not be so in practice. Governors and mayors are elected every
three years. The Health Alliance for Democracy (HEAD), an organization of
health workers and professionals, cited reports of health workers being eased
out or forced to resign due to the perception that they were sympathetic to a
political party opposed to the incumbent administration.
“Despite delayed benefits and uncertainty of
tenure, health workers continue to perform under hazardous working conditions,”
said Emma Manuel, president of the Alliance of Health Workers (AHW), an alliance
of unions of health workers.
Overworked and underpaid
The international standard
for the ideal ratio of nurses to patients in hospitals is 1:4.
But even at the premier
state hospital in the country, the Philippine General Hospital (PGH), said Dr.
Jaime Galvez Tan, former Vice Chancellor for Research of the University of the
Philippines-Manila and executive director of the National Institutes of
Health-Philippines, the ratio of nurses to patients averages from 1:15 up to
1:25. In Davao del Sur and in most other
hospitals, the ratio would even reach 1:50 up to 1:100.
“So how can you take care of 25 patients, much
more the 300?” Tan lamented. “It may be too late by the time you could attend to
the last patient.”
Aside from patient overload,
nurses and doctors also work extended duty hours.
Work in a hospital with a
100-bed capacity in urban centers is supposed to be 40 hours per week. However,
medical workers such as doctors and nurses work 56 hours a week as they are
required to work 16 hours straight whenever there is no reliever. Even health
workers assigned at the emergency room, laboratory and other hazardous and
stressful departments in hospitals are not exempt.
In the Don Susano Rodriguez Memorial Medical
Center, integrated as the psychiatry department of the Bicol Medical Center in
Naga City, Albay, a nurse has to attend to more than 300 in-house mentally-ill
“Before it was almost impossible to think that
hospitals will be closed due to a shortage of health workers but it is happening
now,” said Tan.
Aside from these discouraging conditions, Manuel
said that unimplemented laws also disappoint them. She cited the Nursing Law of
2002 which mandates that an entry-level nurse should get about P13,300 a month.
Unfortunately, in the provinces, there are nurses who receive as low as P2,000 a
month. Ironically, government hospitals pay more than private hospitals. Nurses
in public hospitals receive at least P9,000 while those working in private
hospitals are paid as low as P4,000 a month.
Although several laws and
executive orders had been passed to uplift the conditions of health workers, the
necessary funds were not amply provided.
The Philippines is
one of the leading producers
and exporters of doctors and nurses. Ironically,
many LGUs find it difficult to hire
physicians, nurses, and medical technicians.
The PGH loses 300 to 500 nurses every year, it
was learned. Midwives who are in the front-line in providing health services are
also seeking jobs as caregivers in other countries.
HEAD called the mass exodus of nurses as the
government-sponsored “brain drain.”
Tan’s paper “The Brain Drain Phenomenon and Its
Implications to Health” revealed that since 1994, more than 100,000 nurses have
left the country to work abroad.
Tan said in his report that the Philippine
Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has reported that only 84,150 nurses
left the country from 1994 to 2004.
“This data,” he said, “is understated
considering that U.S.-based hospitals have been directly recruiting nurses by
the thousands in the Philippines, bypassing the POEA system. “POEA statistics
from 1998-2004,” Tan said, “do not also include rehired nurses or those renewing
their contracts with the same employer.”
From 2000-2004, more than 50,000 have left for
at least 32 countries, with the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia,
Ireland, and Singapore as the major countries that received the bulk of nurses.
“While the Philippines traditionally produce a surplus of nurses for export
since the 1960’s, the large exodus of nurses in the last four years has been
unparalleled in nurse migration history,” said Tan.
In 2001, the Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration (POEA) likewise reported that 13,536 Filipino nurses went
overseas, almost double the previous year’s figure of 7,683 nurses. The 2001
figure is the highest ever recorded. The same year, only 4,430 students passed
the board examination. Thus, the country is exporting more nurses than it can
The U.S. and the UK offer the best working
conditions for Filipino nurses. Although Filipino nurses are required to take
the Commission of Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) and the National
Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to work in the U.S., successful applicants
are given migrant visa status, which includes their spouse and children, and a
work contract with remuneration of at least US$4,000 a month. Some hospitals
even offer subsidized housing grants. Meanwhile in the UK, only an English
proficiency examination or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is
required and a work contract equivalent to US$3,000.
“These remunerations are definitely pull factors
attracting Filipino health workers abroad,” Tan said.
“Despite these alarming figures,” Tan said,
“government agencies send conflicting messages on whether nurses and doctors are
encouraged to go abroad or to stay and serve the country.”
“But definitely, something is wrong with the
Philippine policy on health human resource development,” he said.
“Although there has been no policy,” Manuel
said, “it is very evident that the government has been promoting overseas
employment as a way of generating inflow of foreign currencies to revive the
ailing economy.”
Based on records of the Central Bank of the
Philippines, the country received US$8.5 billion in foreign currency remittances
mainly from overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) this year. This is eight times the
total foreign investments in 2003, which was a mere US$1 billion.
Equally disturbing
during the past several
years is the phenomenon of doctors, many of whom are already consultants or
specialists, taking up nursing as a second course with the objective of working
abroad. This development has made rural
areas, where 60 percent of the population lives, even more vulnerable to human
resources deficiencies.
This development, according to HEAD, has gone
beyond a “brain drain”. HEAD refers to this phenomenon as “brain hemorrhage.”
The country is the second major exporter of
physicians, with India being the first. Tan’s paper showed that at
least 9,000 doctors have become nurses or are about to become nurses and nursing
medics. Out of this, 1,500 have left the country, while another 1,500 have just
completed taking the nursing licensure examination. The 6,000 are enrolled in
shortened one and a half to three-year nursing courses offered by nursing
schools catering to the needs of doctors wanting to become nurses.
About 80 percent of public health physicians
have taken up or are enrolled in nursing courses, said Tan.
“I lament it because it takes a long time to
train doctors and most of those taking these (nursing courses) are those who are
already specialists,” Tan said. “Never in the history have we exported tens of
thousands of health professionals.”
medical schools are getting less popular. Of the
39 medical schools in the country, three have closed because of a sudden decline
in enrollment. At the same time, medical doctors enroll in at least 43 nursing
schools offering an abbreviated nursing course tailor-made for medical doctors.
This mass exodus of nurses
and doctors has contributed to the worsening state of health care delivery in
rural areas due to the lack or non-availability of health professionals.
Although there are still midwives and barangay
health workers, Tan said rural hospitals, in essence, are considered “closed”
since these could only offer first aid and delivery assistance.
For instance, three
hospitals in Mindanao and two in Isabela have stopped operations because they
have no more doctors and nurses. The nurse-patient ratio in many government
hospitals has also worsened as a consequence of the brain drain problem in the
country. In Aklan, Nisperos revealed that four hospitals faces fear of closure
also due to lack of health personnel.
Quality of health workers
Tan is worried that during the past four years,
from 2001-2004, the country trained less than 5,000 nurses a year while 10,000
to 12,000 nurses left the country to work abroad.
Aside from the exodus, Tan is also concerned
regarding the quality of nurses and doctors the country has been producing.
In the 1970’s, there were only 40 nursing
schools. By the 1990s, the number of schools reached 170. By June 2003, there
were 251 nursing schools and by April 2004, 370 nursing schools. There has been
a 47 percent increase nationwide and an 84 percent increase in Metro Manila in
the number of nursing schools since June 2003.
However, the increase in nursing schools was not
equivalent to the increase in number of qualified nurses who pass the national
nurse licensure examinations.
Based on Tan’s paper, around 80 to 90 percent of
nursing graduates passed the licensure examinations during the 70s and 80s. But
since 1994, the passing mark has been below 61 percent. From 2001-2003, passers
reached a low of 44 to 53 percent.
Tan’s paper noted that unlike before when
passers reached 22,000 to 25,000 a year, the last four years only registered an
average of 5,200 passing nursing graduates. This year, 12,843 out of the 26,000
examinees did not pass the exam this June.
But these exams only comprise the theoretical
training of the nurses or doctors, Tan said.
“The skills are never measured in a board exam,”
he said. “So what has happened now when everyone is now feeling the impact in
the hospital?”
Last November 2004, the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) ordered the closure of 23 nursing schools, including, most
prominently, the AMA School of Nursing in Makati. Following an appeal by the
owner to the government, the CHED's decision was overruled.
The Magna Carta should have overseen and
regulated the production and deployment of health workers. Tan, however, said
this has not been done.
There are 14 government agencies involved in
health human resources development policy, planning and management: (1) the
Department of Health (DoH), (2) Department of Science and Technology (DOST), (3)
Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC), (4) Commission on Higher Education (CHED),
(5) Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), (6) Department
of Labor (DOLE), (7) Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), (8)
Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), (9) Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PhilHealth), (10) Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), (11) Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
(12) Department of Finance (DOF), (13) National Economic and Development
Authority and the (14) Department of Foreign Affairs .
Tan, however said, none of these agencies is
taking the lead in national health human resources development.
In PGH, Tan admitted that since the shortage in
health workers, the hospital has admitted nurses with a 75 percent passing rate
compared to the 85 percent cut off before. The PGH used to accept only the top
10 percent of the graduates of nursing schools. The PGH offers a contract of two
years. But nurses who decide to work abroad suddenly leave, said Tan.
“These trends in the health sector are already
signs of the health system’s collapse,” warned Tan.
“If we do not do anything about it, in three to
five years, we will see that day (collapse) happen.” Bulatlat
Health System: On the Death Bed
Devolution and Corporatization of Health Services
Related article:
Deployment of Filipino
Source: POEA, 2004
Nursing Board Performance
49.68 Source:
Professional Regulation Commission, 2005 © 2005 Bulatlat
Alipato Publications Permission is granted to reprint or redistribute this article, provided its author/s and Bulatlat are properly credited and notified.
Last of
three parts
The former chair of CHED, Fr. Rolando dela Rosa, tried to implement tighter
screening processes to reduce the number of diploma mills among nursing
schools. But far from being successful, Fr. de la Rosa was forced to resign.
First of three parts
The solution
or the problem?
Second of three parts
1994 – 2004
of Examinees
of Passers