Heritage under Risk?
Yosemite (pronounced "Yo-SEM-it-tee")
Falls, the tallest waterfall in the U.S. at 2,425 feet, is a major
attraction of the Yosemite National Park. The 3,081-sq. km. park, which in
1984 became a World Heritage Site, stretches across the western slopes of
California's Sierra Nevada mountain range. The falls, seen on the right
side, disgorge from a tall granite cliff with the whole slice of park of
giant Sequoia groves shrouded by thick clouds. Yosemite beckons the
wanderer to view the spectacular site of rich biological diversity that
was born 10 million years ago. But this communing with nature makes one
wonder how long this world heritage will last in a country that's fast
being threatened by ecological hazards ejected by the world's worst
industrial polluters.
Photo by Hector Bastida/ Bulatlat
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