Tags: Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998

In response to the growing clamor for the scrapping of RA 8479 or the Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998, the House Oversight committee is, instead, pushing for its amendment. These developments should make consumers wary because these blunt calls to junk RA 8479 and to establish an entirely new set of measures to…

One of Ibon’s proposals is a system of centralized procurement of imported crude oil and refined oil products, a necessary step to ensure the steady supply of reasonably priced petroleum in the country. By Arnold Padilla Ibon Features Posted by Bulatlat It has now become obvious that the Arroyo administration does not have a credible…

The call to nationalize not only aims to protect the downstream oil sector. It also helps stem the tide of deregulation, liberalization and privatization of related economic sectors like transportation. By DANILO ARAÑA ARAO Bulatlat.com Deregulated land transportation fares, anyone? The deregulation of the downstream oil industry will not only result in continued increase in…