“The Court of Appeals betrayed the Filipinos,” said Joms Salvador, GABRIELA spokesperson, during a protest rally at the US embassy. By acquitting Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith, the CA justices “have trampled on the hard-fought justice of women in the Subic rape case and the fight of all Filipinos to defend our dignity as a people.”
Tags: Lance Corporal Daniel Smith
‘Nicole’ Ex-Lawyer on Termination of Services: I was Prepared for This
Evalyn Ursua, whose services as lawyer of Subic rape victim “Nicole” were recently terminated, says she was prepared for such a possibility. Still, she went on, and credits her erstwhile client for sticking it out “during the (most) difficult period.”
Freeing the Rapists

The ground has been laid for the acquittal of Lance Corporal Daniel Smith who was convicted of raping a Filipina. The prison gates have been opened for Romeo Jalosjos who was convicted of raping an 11-year old girl. All of these happened in a week and during Women’s month at that! (Flon Faurillo)
Groups Vow to Continue Anti-VFA Campaign despite Nicole’s Recantation
Activists vowed to continue their campaign for the abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) despite Subic rape victim Nicole’s recantation of her earlier testimony accusing Lance Corporal Daniel Smith of rape. The Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) and the GABRIELA said that the recantation of ‘Nicole’ of her original testimony serves the interests of the…
Enough Reasons for Women’s Outrage
It has been 152 years since the historic March 8 march of women workers in New York to protest against inhumane working conditions and low wages. It has been 101 years since 15,000 women marched in the streets of New York for “Bread and Roses”: for economic security and a better quality of life. Likewise,…
More Than Rape of Two Filipino Women
The acts of both the US and Philippine governments regarding the cases of Filipino women Nicole and Hazel, both victims of rape by American soldiers, said progressive women’s group Gabriela and Nicole’s lawyer Evalyn Ursua, demonstrate the abusive character of the US and the subservience of the Philippine government. They are, therefore, calling on the…
Smith Custody Case Show ‘Vestiges of Past Lopsided Relations’ with US
Sen. Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan, author of a Senate resolution calling for the abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), Evalyn Ursua, lawyer of Subic rape victim “Nicole”; Pacifico Agabin, dean of the Lyceum of the Philippines College of Law; Renato Reyes, Jr., Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan or New Patriotic Alliance) secretary-general; and Neri Javier Colmenares,…
Court Martial Rape Case vs US Soldier Dismissed
The US Court Martial recently dismissed the rape charges against an American soldier stationed in Okinawa, Japan who was accused of raping a Filipina migrant worker. BY BULATLAT The US Court Martial recently dismissed the rape charges against an American soldier stationed in Okinawa, Japan who was accused of raping a Filipina migrant worker. On…
The Smith Custody Battle, a Question of Power and Interests
Perhaps people are wondering why the US is so hell-bent on protecting a rapist and why the Arroyo government is so willing to oblige. If a Filipino committed the same crime in the US, he would surely rot in a US jail and not while away the time in the Philippine embassy. It is because…
Philippine Gov’t ‘Lawyering’ for US on Smith Transfer, Lawyers’ Group Says
A lawyers’ group has denounced the Philippine government for “lawyering for a foreign government” on the transfer of convicted rapist L/Cpl. Daniel Smith of the US Marines to Philippine prison facilities. BY ALEXANDER MARTIN REMOLLINO Bulatlat A lawyers’ group has denounced the Philippine government for “lawyering for a foreign government” on the transfer of convicted…
Programmed Helplessness
Too many problems have been confronting the Filipino people. To effectively confront these problems and issues, tough but obvious solutions can be implemented. However, the Arroyo government refuses to act decisively, claiming it could not do anything about it or at best, implements peripheral solutions. This is programmed helplessness. BY BENJIE OLIVEROS ANALYSIS The Supreme…