U.S. military aid goes to wildly abusive regimes.
Tags: Pakistan
Time to Declare Global War on Flooding
by: The F Word | GRITtv | Video Report Posted by Bulatlat.com The flooding in Pakistan has displaced 2 million people, killed at least 1600 and affected 14 million. It should be affecting all of us. A disaster of global proportions, requiring a global response, as Gwynne Dyer noted on our show not long ago,…
Now We See You, Now We Don’t
By Kathy Kelly Truthout International Posted by Bulatlat ‘In early June 2009, I was in the Shah Mansoor displaced persons camp in Pakistan, listening to one resident detail the carnage that had spurred his and his family’s flight there a mere 15 days earlier. Their city, Mingora, had come under massive aerial bombardment. He recalled…
Obama Speaks: Will Palestine or Pakistan Decide?
By STEVE WEISSMAN Truthout International Posted by Bulatlat From his first “greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum,” President Barack Hussein Obama showed how to use the bully pulpit. Some listeners might have found him pedantic or even preachy, but he was delivering his sermon to American and Israeli audiences as…
Can Treasury Sneak IMF Money Through the Supplemental?
By ROBERT NAIMAN International Posted by Bulatlat Almost completely lost in the drama over the war supplemental for Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan is a sneaky play by the US Treasury Department to get $108 billion in tax dollars for the International Monetary Fund through the supplemental. Of course, if Treasury can get the money through…
The Election, Economy, War, and Peace
Turning to the future, what can we realistically expect of an Obama administration? We have two sources of information: actions and rhetoric. The most important actions to date are selection of staff. The first selection was for vice-President: Joe Biden, one of the strongest supporters of the Iraq invasion among Senate Democrats, a long-time Washington…
Bush Said to Give Orders Allowing Raids in Pakistan
President Bush secretly approved orders in July that for the first time allow American Special Operations forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the prior approval of the Pakistani government, according to senior American officials. BY ERIC SCHMITT and MARK MAZZETTI New York Times Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VIII, No. 32, September 14-20,…