Read also: Antonio Zumel @ 80, He never wrote 30 Saluting a great revolutionary, writer and editor Antonio Zumel By Ina Alleco Silverio MANILA — All writers including journalists are said to have influences. Some writers are inspired by novelists who produce best-sellers that sell thousands of copies and are reviewed in the New…
Tags: Tony Zumel
Antonio Zumel @ 80, He never wrote 30

On the occasion of his 80th birthday, family, friends, comrades, and journalists remembered the life and works of a great journalist and revolutionary martyr, Antonio Zumel. Death may have stopped Antumel from continuing with his work in the service of the Filipino people, but his life continues to inspire.
Read also: Saluting a great revolutionary, writer and editor Antonio Zumel
Saluting a great revolutionary, writer and editor Antonio Zumel
Read also: Antonio Zumel @ 80, He never wrote 30 What Manong means to us By MARYA SALAMAT MANILA – What prompts a person to leave the tried-and-tested comfort of being in the herd, and become a revolutionary and a hero? The Philippines has had its share of luminous revolutionaries and heroes, and will…