One of the hallmarks of Bulatlat’s journalism is its coverage of people’s issues, one of them the impact of so-called development on communities, particularly the poor ones. Dams, among others, are packaged as part of development that people have to live with. But, as can be gleaned from Bulatlat’s stories on the subject, dams have proven to be a bane to the public. The recent controversy surrounding the decision by several dams in Luzon to release excess water at the height of typhoon Pepeng only underscored this.
Bulatlat has dozens of stories concerning dams; click on this Google search link to find several of them. Or check out the following samples:
* Expect Worse to Hit Central Luzon
* Cordillera Fish Fast Disappearing; Mines, Dams Blamed
* Pangasinan Peasants Re-occupy Land Near Controversial Dam
* Ifugaos Contest ‘Theft’ of Their Lands at Magat Dam Area
* Jose Doton: People’s Champion Vs. San Roque Dam