By RONALYN V. OLEA CALBAYOG CITY, Western Samar – On Nov. 17, farmer Romeo Galvez went to the municipal hall of Calbiga, Samar to process some papers. He was surprised when the police arrested him on charges of murder, frustrated murder and illegal possession of firearms. Later would Romeo, village chieftain of Buluan, Calbiga,…
Tags: eastern visayas
An overview of the human rights situation in Eastern Visayas*
By ERICSON ACOSTA Many are surely wondering, why did the military detain Acosta? Why was he imprisoned? In what far-off corner of the islands could Barangay Bay-ang be found, and what could a writer and poet like Ericson Acosta possibly be doing there? In truth, these are vital questions, not just to the overly…
Farmers in Eastern Visayas bear brunt of military’s anger over setbacks
By INA ALLECO R. SILVERIO MANILA — Many Filipinos who have never been outside Luzon may very well wonder where Samar is. Many may even be stymied if confronted with queries as to where Eastern Visayas is in the Philippine map. In any case, both the region and the province are seldom featured in…
KMU Leader Freed From Jail, Proven Innocent After 3 Years
Heightened repression still feared after Human Security Act approval Vincent “Ka Bebot Borja”, KMU National Council member representing Eastern Visayas, and also Anakpawis coordinator for that region when he was arrested three years ago, was freed from jail after the military’s lone “star witness” did not recognize him in a hearing on Wednesday (Oct. 13).…
Groups, Clergy Condemn Murder of Samar Priest, Peasant Activist

“Most martyrs of the Church who actively denounced the abuses of government officials and military forces received series of death threats and were tagged as communists or NPA supporters by military,” said Nardy Sabino, secretary-general of the Promotion of Church People’s Response.
Priest Who Advocated Human Rights, Peasant Activist Murdered in Eastern Visayas

The murders of peasant activist Romulo Mendova and Father Cecilio Lucero, both of Eastern Visayas, have been blamed on the military’s Oplan Bantay Laya. In the case of Lucero, he had been publicly denounced by President Arroyo as “that communist priest,” according to the NDF. It is said that he was the first priest to have been murdered in Samar since Catholicism was introduced in the province 400 years ago.