Tags: same-sex marriage
Ruffling the feathers of conservatives
By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat perspective Two issues are ruffling the feathers of conservatives recently: divorce and same-sex marriage. Late last week, Pope Francis was quoted admitting that there are instances when it is “morally necessary” to end a marriage. “ One particular instance cited by Pope Francis that makes ending a marriage justifiable is “when…
Rainbow unions
Several same sex couples are wed by the Metropolitan Community Church Quezon City in a Grand Holy Same Sex Wedding last June 29.
Same-sex marriage: A struggle beyond civil rights
By KENNETH E. BAUZON Bulatlat.com MANILA — This subject is among the most animating topics in my introductory course in political science. Some students come with their ready-made views on the subject, either for or against, while some have not made up their minds. In the spirit of academic freedom and plain fairness, I assure…
Same-sex union ceremonies in Baguio sparks debate
By LYN V. RAMO Bulatlat.com BAGUIO CITY – One afternoon, the city was almost freezing because of the typhoon Falcon’s heavy rains. Nonetheless, the mercury was rising in a little bar and restaurantbecause of the announced mass holy union of eight same-sex couples. The ceremeny was the first of its kind on two counts. First,…
Gay Love and Faith: In Search of a Non-Discriminating Church
By LYN V. RAMO Northern Dispatch Posted by Bulatlat BAGUIO CITY — It is never too late to join the priesthood for someone who wanted to pursue changes in the Church. At 41, Myke Sotero is pursuing his yearning to serve the Church as a priest. His former colleagues and friends thought he was not…