Kapatid decried the court’s move saying the separation of the newborn from her mother is “heartless and cruel, especially during this pandemic.” BY AARON MACARAEG Bulatlat.com MANILA– Reina Mae Nasino grieves as the Manila court denied her appeal to stay with her newborn daughter. Manila Regional Trial Court Branch 20 ordered Nasino’s 22-day old daughter…
Tags: #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners
Kin of political prisoners still await Duterte’s promise to free detainees
“We need big mass actions to release our loved ones.”
Imprisoned for half his life, activist has no regrets in taking up the cause
Former political prisoner Ronald Lucero has spent 17 years in jail, but he takes it all as part of the struggle.
Released after 32 years, ex-political detainee cries freedom for 2 kin still in detention
Charged with trumped-up criminal cases, Jose Ceriales has been in prison since he was only 22. He recently walked out a free man at age 54.
Political prisoners, kin, start fasting
Political prisoners and their kin have started skipping meals to protest their continued detention in spite of President Duterte’s pronouncement on their release.