‘Mobile-izing’ for Arroyo’s Ouster

Estimates by cell phone service providers place the volume of text messages sent daily during the four-day EDSA Dos revolt at 160 million – triple its normal daily average.

Some 200 websites and about a hundred email discussion groups sprouted like mushrooms especially after the ‘Juetenggate’ broke out in October 2000. Among the most prominent of these online endeavors was
eLagda.com, which tried to solicit a million signatures in 21 days to pressure Estrada to step down.

“Cell phones are now considered a dynamic tool for political campaigns. Politicians, including spin-doctors, even used them for campaign in the 2004 elections,” he added.

Important role

Palatino said ICTs have also been very instrumental in people’s uprisings in other countries.

In 2002, a loose collective of internet users forced the British government to alter its decision on the controversial changes to its digital privacy laws on what was now dubbed as the “fax machine

The fax campaign was made possible through the creation of the website called faxyourmp.com. When users enter their postcode, it tells them who their local member of the parliament is, and then allows them to send a fax which contains their complaint. This created a large-scale grassroots protest campaign almost overnight.

On the other hand, Indonesia’s strongman Soe harto’s dramatic fall from power was similar to the EDSA Dos experience.

Local political analysts say Suharto may have lasted even longer than the three decades he was in power if only Indonesians had not started going online in the late 1990s. He was forced to step down finally in May 1998.

Technology has also played critical roles in bringing world’s leaders to power. Among other things, Florida will be remembered for technological hitches that plagued the ballot counting and possibly pushed the outcome of the U.S. election in favor of George W. Bush.

Strong mass movement

But Palatino said technology without a strong mass movement cannot stand on its own.

He said majority of Filipinos have still no access to modern technology. A recent study reveals that a mere one to two percent of 80 million Filipinos have access to online information while the great majority have the status of the so-called “digital homeless.” The country’s entire population, in fact, represents just about the same number of Americans who enjoy on-demand Internet connectivity.

“We use technology to disseminate information which are being held by authorities and shape public opinion, but that is not the whole thing,” Palatino said. “A campaign to oust a president will only materialize and succeed if there is a strong mass movement. We should use it to complement the growing people’s movement.”

Palatino said the government can’t stop the Gloriagate scandal from spreading and urged the President to finally break her silence. “The people have the right to know the truth. She must categorically deny or admit if that is really her voice recorded in the tape. Truth will always prevail in the end.” Bulatlat

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