FIESTA OF COLORS. One of the entries at the Kadayawan’s Indak-indak sa Kadalanan (street dance) on Saturday use different hues for their props and costumes adding to the festive mood of the occasion.

BOUNTY DANCE. Participants of the Kadayawan’s Indak-indak sa Kadalanan (street dance) use baskets in their performance to signify a bountiful harvest. They are among the 21 performers competing for the 500,000-peso prize for this year’s winner.

COORDINATED. With hands and feet working together, the participants execute this particular dance movement efficiently during the Indak-indak showdown, Saturday in Davao City’s San Pedro Street. Kadayawan’s street dance competition registered 21 entries with 10 coming from other Mindanao provinces and regions.

HAT WAVE. Indak-indak sa Kadalanan (street dance) finalists use their colorful hats to execute a waving motion, Saturday. Despite the sun’s scorching heat, the participants were at performance level.
Words and Photos by davaotoday.com’s Medel V. Hernani and Marilou Aguirre-Tuburan