Every year Bulatlat.com comes out with an analysis of the impact of the administration on the issues and concerns that affect the Filipino people. This year ender has added importance as we are approaching the midpoint of the Aquino presidency – which campaigned under the banner of change – and its policy directions have already taken shape.

Gains, sins of omission and commission of the Aquino presidency
Let us look at the policy directions of the Aquino presidency by enumerating the issues that emerged in 2012 and the actions or inaction of the government. (Click here to read more.)

State of press freedom: Attacks and threats in 2012
The culture of impunity in the cases of media killing is clearly encouraging continuing violence against journalists and media workers in the Philippines. The number of cases of media harassment has also remained high. (Click here to read more.)

Now you see them, now you don’t, but G.I. Joes are here to stay, no thanks to the Aquino government
In 2012 Aquino treated the comings and goings of US military warships and warplanes like ordinary business, despite Constitutional provisions. It left the Filipino people in the dark over the full range of US military activities it agreed to while their troops are ‘visiting’ in the Philippines. (Click here to read more.)

The costs of the Aquino government’s K to 12 program
In 2012 the Aquino enacted the enabling law to K plus 12, over protests of various groups. Under this program, groups said education is for sale, not for free as the Constitution guarantees. (Click here to read more.)

Aquino administration’s human rights policy: Big in words, too little in action
Human rights groups pointed out that the Aquino administration has not only failed to curb impunity but allowed impunity to flourish under its counterinsurgency program Oplan Bayanihan. (Click here to read more.)
Bleeding the supposed ‘bosses,’ the working masses, dry
In 2012, the Aquino government gave wage cuts within a supposed wage hike package; spoke democracy while constricting union rights; and hyped growth amidst worsening joblessness, hunger and poverty. (Click here to read more.)

Imprisoning, killing the urban poor who fight for their homes
The year 2012 highlights the government’s lack of a comprehensive, humane plan for the urban poor. They are being displaced from their homes; those who resisted were either killed or arrested. Those who have seemingly followed the government’s advice to them are brought to a far more dangerous if not deadlier place to live. (Click here to read more.)

Elite governance, elite economics: When vaunted growth clashes with reality
The hoax that ‘good governance is good economics,’ and Aquino’s popularity, will soon reach its threshold if joblessness, poverty and hunger continue to worsen. The significant 12-point drop in Aquino’s latest satisfaction rating, despite the scorching speed of GDP growth, is portent of things to come. (Click here to read more.)
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