Trân Tô Nga, a 78-year-old woman who fell victim to the herbicidal chemical cocktail known as Agent Orange, is taking the firms responsible for its production to court.
Tags: monsanto
Draft circular on GMO violates people’s right to safe food, groups say
“Assessing the evidence on record, as well as the current state of GMO research worldwide, the court finds all the three conditions present in this case — uncertainty, the possibility of irrevocable harm and the possibility of serious harm.” – Supreme Court
Farmers slam awards for GMO proponents
The Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) deemed that the award is “a mere campaign ploy to promote GMOs,” noting that the foundation’s donors have commercial interests in GMO.
Philippine Agencies, State Schools That Promote GMOs Are Violating the Law — Casiño
Bayan Muna Rep. Teddy Casiño said agriculture agencies and government-ran agricultural schools are mandated by the law to promote organic farming. So why are they promoting genetically modified crops like Bt eggplant?