Katribu partylist is alarmed over reports that the machine count did not tally with the actual manual count and that votes for certain candidates were not counted, especially those aligned with the Nacionalista Party (NP), were not counted based on the result of the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) testing recently conducted.
Tags: nacionalista party
Covenant Forged to Protect Filipino Migrant Workers

Candidates who signed the covenant commit to review and work to repeal existing laws that exploit OFWs and to propose new policies that will further protect the rights and welfare of Filipino migrant workers.
News in Pictures: Makabayan Coalition Senatoriables Join Nacionalista Party
Rep. Satur Ocampo and Rep. Liza Maza of the Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan (Makayaban) announced on Monday that they have joined the Nacionalista Party ticket as senatorial guest candidates in the 2010 elections. They also said they are supporting the candidacy of Manny Villar for president and Loren Legarda for vice president. (Photo by Karl…