Why is the Aquino government suddenly being combative against China, over the disputed Spratly Islands, and North Korea over its satellite launch?
Tags: Spratly
MDT, ‘license for US direct intervention’
By MARYA SALAMAT 1st Part: After 60 years, US-RP defense pact ‘proved useless, disadvantageous to Philippines MANILA — “Confirmed reports” about the deployment of US special operatives in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Philippines and probably on the ground in Libya, too, abound in newspapers, said Roland Simbulan, an expert on US-Philippine relations. These special operatives,…
US reassurances of support in Spratly’s conflict illusory
By MARYA SALAMAT MANILA — Invoking the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) between the Philippines and the US is just “a useless crutch” the Philippines cannot rely on based on US jurisprudence, Bayan Muna’s Satur Ocampo said in a forum held at the University of the Philippines recently, summarizing the discussion of a panel of…
Salungguhit: Dealing with a bully
Dealing with a bully
‘Why is Aquino government suddenly engaging China over Spratlys?’
“It is as clear as day,” declared Terry Ridon, chairman of League of Filipino Students, “that it is only when US interests are served shall it extend assistance to its semi-colony.”