Farm workers are calling for higher wages as they battle every day to put food on the table.
Tags: world food day
‘World Hunger Day’ | Farmers most affected by poverty, lack of food security
As landlessness and other root causes of poverty remain unaddressed, the greatest irony persists: that those who work hard to produce food have nothing to put on their own plates.
Ph one of world’s biggest rice importers, as food producers go hungry
“It is ironic that the rural people who are the primary food producers are the ones who are experiencing lack of food and drastic hunger.”
On World Food Day, farmers protest against hunger
The Aquino government is “causing massive and systematic hunger in the country by implementing anti-farmer programs.” – Joseph Canlas, Alyansa ng Magbubukid sa Gitnang Luson
Change in Control of Food Production Key to Solving World Hunger
In June this year, the number of hungry people throughout the globe reached 1 billion, or a sixth of the world’s population, according to the FAO. This was a considerable leap from 963 million a year ago. By ALEXANDER MARTIN REMOLLINO MANILA — In the fight against world hunger, the key element is not…