20 January 2011
“It is a sad day for democracy when the Department of Justice succumbs to blindness despite the facts presented by the witness and an independent fact-finding committee. It is a sad day for democracy when the DOJ chooses to play dumb and absolve the AFP of its involvement in the Kananga massacre,” Trina Federis, national president of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines said.
“Barely a year into this straight road, we have met another detour. Barely a year into our quest for justice, we have met a detour. A detour introduced by the DOJ, no less.” Federis expressed.
“How can there be an encounter when the witness has repeatedly explained that they were shot at from one direction only? How can there be an encounter when only the AFP wielded weapons? Do not insult our intelligence. Do not insult the deaths of Dr. Leonard Co, Julius Borromeo and Sofronio Cortez.”
“This recent development does not augur well for the DOJ and administration. Will a whitewash always be in the offing when such cases of arbitrary killings and other killings are brought to DOJ? If so, we must fear for our lives in this so-called straight road, especially if national treasures such as Co are treated this way.” Federis concluded.
Trina Federis
National President, CEGP