Why OFWs will join the People’s Protest vs. oil price hikes

Reference: Garry Martinez, chairperson of Migrante International

Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) support calls to stop oil price hikes because the unending spate of increases are taking a heavy toll on OFWs and their families, especially in light of the dwindling dollar caused by the recent global economic crisis, according to global alliance for OFWs and families Migrante International.

Remittance-dependent families are in a very vulnerable and dangerous place. OFWs send an average of P8,000 per month to their families to cover expenses for rent, food and other utilities. The dollar depreciation combined with oil price hikes and the continuously swelling inflation rate poses an ominous impact on OFWs and their families. This is the main reason why Migrante International fully-supports and will participate in the People’s Protest against oil price hikes on March 15.

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Migrante International believes that the Aquino government could actually do something to stop oil price hikes if only it had political will and the welfare of its citizens in mind. The same goes for how Migrante International perceives the government’s slow response and inaction during the height of the crises in Libya, and now Syria where a Pinay OFW was the most recent casualty in the conflict.

Migrante International will join other people’s organizations in the People’s Protest to bring to the public’s and legislators’ attention the issues of overpricing, the onerous VAT on oil and the need to review and repeal the Oil Deregulation Law. We hope that the People’s Protest will serve as an eye-opener and gather broader support from the Filipinos here and abroad against oil price hikes.

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