Revolutionary group marks its 45th year

MANILA — As the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) celebrates its 45th founding anniversary today, April 24, members of different allied undergorund revolutionary organizations of the NDFP staged a lightning rally at the intersection of EDSA and Aurora Boulevard in Quezon City on April 23, Monday. They called on the Government of the Philippines to return to the negotiating table and address the roots of the armed conflict.

Photos and text by JHUN DANTES

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  1. Long live the Filipino people’’s united front.

    As the imperialist and fascist puppets masquerades as pro-people, the role of the united front has never been more important than it is right now. Despite the unrelenting attack from facist elements, the Front remain steadfast to its sworn duty to oppose and expose the Duterte regime and unite the masses to support and advance democratic people’s struggle.

    Long live the people’s democratic struggle!
    Long live the National Democratic Front!

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