In a landmark decision last September 18, a Philippine court has ordered a preliminary injunction stopping the government’s approval of a genetically modified rice in the country.
Posted by Bulatlat
Democratic Space
Vol. VII, No. 33, September 23-29, 2007
In a landmark decision last September 18, a Philippine court has ordered a preliminary injunction stopping the government’s approval of a genetically modified rice in the country.
Greenpeace and NGO Searice consider this decision as a major step in the campaign to protect human health and ensure the safety of the environment from the adverse effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The injunction is the first major ruling on GMOs in the Philippines since the government allowed the entry of genetically-altered crops in 2002.
“Greenpeace welcomes the court’s ruling and calls upon the Department of Agriculture (DA) to immediately scrap their current policy on GMOs. The DA has to prioritize the health and environment of the Filipinos. GMOs are not proven to be safe and the current policy is patently biased and unacceptable. We hope the injunction will compel the DA to review its agenda independent of pressures and the lure of kickbacks from the multinational GMO corporations.” Greenpeace Southeast Asia Genetic Engineering Campaigner Daniel Ocampo said.
The issuance of the court’s injunction is the latest development in an on-going court case which questions the constitutionality of DA Administrative Order (AO) No. 8 (series of 2002), the government system for GMO approvals. Greenpeace has repeatedly asserted that the system is “hopelessly flawed” and violates basic constitutional rights. It helped file the petition against this policy in August. The petition also sought a permanent injunction on the approval of Bayer corporation’s GMO rice LL62 the application of which, under DA AO8, is currently under review.
Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 101, presided by Judge Evengeline Marigomen, issued the preliminary injunction, stating that “there is a violation of the constitutionally guaranteed rights to information of public concern; protection and promotion of health; and a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.”
”Due to the nature of the petition, both the DA and Bayer Cropscience are respondents to the case. But it is exasperating to see that DA has abdicated its role altogether and left the entire defense of its policies to the Bayer’s lawyers. In the hearing prior to the issuance of the injunction last September 14, Bayer presented 17 arguments in defense of AO 8. The DA is the government’s most important agency because it is responsible for the country’s basic food sources. It cannot be run by profiteering corporate interests,” said Ocampo.
The preliminary injunction will be in effect while the case is pending. The next hearing on the petition will be on November 16, 2007. Greenpeace/posted by Bulatlat