“Reprimands against few government officials charged in the said cases can be viewed as mere slaps on the wrists, considering the sufferings endured by Nasino and NUPL and the gravity of the offenses. Full accountability for those responsible in violating their rights can be hardly gleaned from these decisions.” – Karapatan
Tags: Baby River
Nasino visits baby River’s grave after ‘traumatizing’ goodbye
Political prisoner Reina Mae Nasino visited her late daughter, baby River Emmanuelle’s grave after three years of incarceration on charges that were found to have failed to establish strong footing.
Nasino asks SC to review her case for the sake of other mothers and babies in prison
“This heartbreaking predicament of having babies separated from their detained mothers, and of being denied of their basic human right to their mother’s breastmilk, that is justified by rules issued by jail authorities, is what Reina Mae brings before the Supreme Court for its review and resolution.”
Senators call for release of Amanda Echanis and her newborn son
Republic Act 11148 or First 1,000 Days law seeks to provide children with necessary nutrition and health program from their conception as an infant up to their second birthday.
Manila judge faces raps for parting Baby River from political prisoner ma
Human rights lawyers representing Reina Mae Nasino said the Manila judge exhibited manifest bias and partiality against the political prisoner and her co-accused.
No more Baby Rivers | Legislation, policy change for pregnant detainees
Today marks the 40th day since the death of Baby River, daughter of a political prisoner Reina Mae Nasino. The term cruel is an understatement to describe how the mother and child were separated and how it revealed serious gaps if not flaws in the country’s justice system.
Lawyers decry ‘cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment’ of Ina Nasino
“Most importantly, they demonstrate the BJMP and PNP’s unconscionable contempt for the accused’s grief and suffering as well as total disregard to human feelings, oblivious to public sensibilities and unmitigated disrespect for out eternally observed culture in times of bereavement.”
#JusticeForBabyRiver | Netizens mourn, rage against ‘inhumane’ treatment of grieving mother
Netizens have expressed their sympathy to the grieving mother, comparing the treatment she is receiving to that of the furloughs earlier granted to former presidents Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Joseph Estrada, and Sen. Ramon “Bong” Revilla, and the release of US Marine Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton.
No respect for a mother’s grief
Political prisoner Reina Mae Nasino only wants to grieve in peace but jail guards and policemen attempt to whisk her away twice.
Jail authorities ask court to shorten grieving mother’s furlough
Kapatid said a simple Google search will reveal that longer furloughs and privileges were granted by the courts and prison agencies to big-time politicians. Thus, there is no reason why Reina Mae Nasino cannot be allowed to grieve and be with her daughter for just mere three days.