PRESS RELEASE 24 June 2011 MANILA — “This award to trade-union rights violator Dole Philippines, ECOP is a spit in the face of the workers of Dole, the Filipino workers and people.” This was the statement of labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno as it slammed the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) for giving its…
Tags: Dolefil
Dolefil hikes profits by repressing progressive union, said a labor federation
By MARYA SALAMAT Main Story: Veteran labor federation slammed ECOP’s calls for tripartism as dangerous and deceptive The management of Dole Philippines Inc. recently inked a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the workers union in Dole’s largest integrated plantation and cannery in the world. “Given the agreed upon wage increases, the Dolefil management’s…
Dole Philippines Workers in Tough Fight as US Company Uses Military Force Vs Union

Today, Feb. 22, the workers at the largest plantation and cannery in the Philippines will hold a union election. The incumbent KMU-affiliated union, Amado-Kadena, is fighting to retain its dominance even as Dole Philippines uses a pro-management faction of the union against it while the US company, its allies and the military vilify and harass the union’s members and officers.
Candidates Urged: Support P125 Wage Hike

After two decades of falling real wages, with the last two years bereft of even a paltry wage increase despite the crisis and unmitigated price increases, the progressive labor front has once again raised the demand to legislate a P125 nationwide wage hike.