Workers call on people to emulate Andres Bonifacio
(Photos by Ronalyn V. Olea)
Day: December 1, 2011
Legal but unjust compensation
By BENJIE OLIVEROS MANILA — “Just compensation” when referring to agrarian reform is an oxymoron. All agrarian reform programs of Philippine presidents provide for “just compensation” for landlords whose lands are taken by the government for distribution to farmers. But this does not make it just. “How could you own that which will outlive…
DAR, Luisita farmworkers disagree on issue of compensation
By RONALYN V. OLEA MANILA – The farm workers of the Hacienda Luisita and officials of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) do not see eye-to-eye with regard the implementation of a recent Supreme Court decision. The Supreme Court recently issued a decision ordering the distribution of 4,916 hectares of land to the original…
Promoting Philippines as attraction for divorcees slammed
By INA ALLECO R. SILVERIO MANILA — “The Department of Tourism is treading on dangerous waters. Marketing the Philippines as a destination for divorcees is practically synonymous to marketing the Philippines as a destination for sex tourists.” This was the stand made by Gabriela Women’s Party Representative Luz Ilagan after reports came out that…
US sabotaging UN climate talks in South Africa – environmental groups
“In Durban, it’s time for governments to listen to the people, not the polluting corporations.” – Greenpeace
With demolition threats, no Christmas for urban poor
With demolition threats, no Christmas for urban poor
(Photos by Janess Ann J. Ellao)
Urban poor in Quezon City remain vigilant over demolition threats
By JANESS ANN J. ELLAO MANILA — Urban poor residents living along BIR road in Quezon City remain vigilant after a recent demolition threat in their community. “We were informed that a demolition team would arrive in our community (last Nov. 28) to demolish the so-called illegal structures. But what surprised us was the…
Likely collapse of LCMC tailings dam walls spooks Benguet folks
By ALMA B. SINUMLAG NORTHERN DISPATCH BANGUED, Abra – Residents of Mankayan, Benguet who attended the Benguet, Abra, Mt. Province, Ilocos Sur (BAMPIS) Mining Summit held here expressed fears that the plan of Goldfields Far South East to build additional walls to the tailings dam 5A mean there are more mine tailings to expect on…
Mine-affected communities mine their experiences at opposing large-scale mining
By ALMA B. SINUMLAG NORTHERN DISPATCH BAGUED, Abra – “I am very glad to see many people here. It means that we are not the only ones fighting against corporate mining.” This is how Dominga Gaspar, member of the Barangay Council of Gambang, Bakun, Benguet, started her testimony at the Benguet, Abra, Mt. Province, Ilocos…