The onset of Cha-cha threatens the education sector to the further gain of both local and foreign capitalists.
Tags: 1987 Constitution
Why let con-ass decide, when Charter Change enshrines pork – Bayan Muna
Aside from the usual extension of the terms of incumbents, allowing 100 percent foreign ownership of Philippine resources and businesses, and removing provisions that guarantee human rights and civil liberties, the latest proposed amendments include enshrining the pork barrel system into the basic law of the land.
Hold public discussions on proposed amendments to 1987 Constitution
By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat perspective What do the public know about the current initiative in Congress to amend the 1987 Constitution? First, the Duterte administration is proposing a shift to a Federal form of government. And second, there have been disagreements between the Lower House and the Senate on how to amend the 1987 Constitution.…
Protesters of TRAIN, Duterte’s cha-cha to House of Representatives: ‘Pity our children’
“Federalism is just a smokescreen for cha-cha.”
Differing views on con-ass may check federalism rush
Two conflicting viewpoints have arisen on how Congress can transform itself into a constituent assembly, as prescribed by the 1987 Constitution, to amend or revise the Charter and enable a shift from a unitary to a federal form of government – a key project of President Duterte, which he told Mandaluyong businessmen in a speech…
The Lies of Arroyo Add Insult to Injury but the People are Fighting Back
By Prof. Jose Maria Sison Chief Political Consultant, National Democratic Front of the Philippines DEMOCRATIC SPACE Posted by Volume VIII, Number 25, July 27 – August 2, 2008 The fake president Gloria M. Arroyo has such a long record of lying that no one expects her to describe the real state of the nation…
Railroading Charter Change
BY CAROL PAGADUAN-ARAULLO BusinessWorld Posted by There are clumsy attempts to create a bandwagon effect by mobilizing the pro-GMA local government officials to manufacture millions of bogus voters’ signatures; by creating media hype through paid hacks and public relations operators; and by utilizing a discredited Commission on Elections (Comelec) to supposedly verify the signatures…
Burying People Power
Preventing changes in government through “People Power” uprisings is among the reasons for the proposal to shift to a parliamentary system, in which changing governments will supposedly be institutionalized rather than left to direct people’s action. BY CENTER FOR PEOPLE EMPOWERMENT IN GOVERNANCE Posted by Constitutional amendments via a are likely to take place…
First Six Months of the 13th Congress
The 13th Congress has used up almost a third of its term, reportedly spends millions a day for its legislative work and still has tons of work to do. It must now work double pace if it would like to compensate for lost time – as some of its members undoubtedly do. BY ALEXANDER MARTIN…