“Ask Maj. General Rhoderick Parayno, head of the 2nd ID-PA-AFP and former chief of PNP-CALABARZON, about who Criste’s handler was, and to whom did Criste’ group submit the monies they collected from their syndicate activities.”
Tags: AFP
Stop branding media outfits as state enemies, media group tells military
By MARYA SALAMAT Bulatlat.com MANILA – Now, it is not just doctors, nurses,priests and nuns, critical netizens, but also scientists and journalists, who should watch out for their safety and human rights. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) recently pointed out and took exception to a statement by Captain Alberto Caber, public…
‘Curing the symptom rather than the disease’
By Satur C. Ocampo At Ground Level | The Philippine Star Last Thursday, AFP Chief Gen. Emmanuel Bautista called a command conference at Camp Aguinaldo to assess the military operations in the first half of 2013 under Oplan Bayanihan, the Aquino government’s counterinsurgency plan. The assessment was a mixture of success and failure. Nonetheless, Bautista…
Independent probe on killing of child belies military’s claim

A fact finding mission confirmed suspicions that four-year-old Rodelyn was killed by an explosion caused by an M203 grenade, belying claims of the military that an improvised explosive device from the NPA was the cause.
Military intensifying campaign of harassment against campus journalists- CEGP

“These recent attacks on campus journalists show that the Aquino administration is insincere in ending the culture of impunity.” – College Editors Guild of the Philippines
‘Rape by soldiers exposes deceitful Oplan Bayanihan’

In less than a month, two young women from two militarized towns have complained of rape allegedly committed by AFP soldiers right inside their military camps. Alarmed women ask, are these ‘isolated’ or just the tip of the iceberg?
Do we really want a just and lasting peace?
By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat.com The Aquino government, and the media have been declaring that it is committed to peace, especially after 19 soldiers were killed in a firefight in Albarka, October 18, and another seven more soldiers and policemen two days after in Zamboanga, Sibugay. Despite the calls from the hawks in government – remnants…
More killings feared in wake of Aquino’s support for paramilitary deployment in mining areas

“The government remains blind to everything except the money that it gets from the mining firms – but this money is tainted with our blood; and no amount of money can ever compensate for the loss of our slain tribal leaders who fought for our rights to our own lands.”
Aquino gives go signal to deployment of CAFGUS to mining areas

“It is very alarming that the Aquino government opts to collude with mining firms and multinationals in implementing a military solution in order to continue operations and pursue profits at the expense of our communities.” – Gabriela Women’s Party Rep. Luz Ilagan
NPA-Ilocos Sur criticizes AFP ‘overkill,’ lies and violation of CARHRIHL
By ACE ALEGRE Bulatlat.com BAGUIO CITY – Communist guerillas operating in Ilocos Sur has admitted that two of their comrades were slain by government soldiers in an almost week-long gun battle in Cervantes town, Ilocos Sur a week ago. Benny Boy “Ka Likot” Aguilar and Delfin “Ka Dindo” Gullayan died on the second day of…
Tie AFP budget to human rights record, says ACT solon
By INA ALLECO R. SILVERIO Bulatlat.com A progressive lawmaker in the House of Representatives continue to fight for a pro-poor 2012 national budget by submitting amendments. Earlier this week, Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Representative Antonio L. Tinio submitted proposed amendments to House Bill 5023 or the General Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2012 to…